Giving salution to life giving Lord -sooryanamaskar

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Another informative blog for health well-being.. And my favorite topic...


Soorya- Sun
Namaskar -Salute

As we are aware that Sun is soul and source of all life. Sun is giving life. It's a small gratitude to sun. 

Let's go back in Vedic history of Sooryanamaskar.
Sooryanamaskar was born as Lord Hanumana Guru dakshina to Lord Surya. 

In ancient times i.e. in 20th century it was first recorded by Patinidhi Pant, the king of Aundh. 

Now let's know how and when to salute Lord Sun. 

Sooryanamaskar is a practice in early morning when sun is rising with stomach empty. But it can practice in evening also when sun sets but is known as moon salution. 

Sooryanamaskar is a practice in modern yoga incorporating a sequence of 12 gracefully linked asanas(Dand in Sanskrit). 

The ancient yogis say that different part of body are governed by different devas or divine impulses of light. 

During 12 sets of it translates into doing 288 power yoga asanas in span of 12 to 15 minutes. 

12 asanas of Sooryanamaskar...

Give 30 seconds to each asanas. There is mantra to narrate with each asanas.

Step 1-Pranamasana or The prayer pose

Mantra:Om Mitraya namah 

* Keep feet together balance on both legs
* You must now relax your shoulder and expand chest. 
* Than exhale  and bring up your palms in front of your chest in prayer position. 

Step-2 Hasta Uttanasana or The raised arm pose

Mantra:Om Ravaye namah 

* Inhale, lift arm up and back make sure biceps are close to ears. 
* Stretch your body right from heels to tips of fingers. 

Step-3 Pada hastasana or Hand to foot pose

Mantra:Om Suryaya namah

* Exhale and bend forward from waist you must ensure your spine is erect. 
* As you inhale Bring Your hands down on floor and beside feet .

Step-4 Ashwa sanchalasana or The Equestrian pose

Mantra:Om Bhanave namah 

* Now inhale and take left leg back as far as you can.
* Bend right knee and place your arms next to your feet. 
* Turn your gaze forwards. 

Step-5 Parvatasana or The Mountain pose

Mantra: Om Khagaya namah 

* Exhale and lift up your hips and tail bone. 
* Your chest must face downward to form an inverted V. 
Asana also known as Adhomukhasuasana. 

Step-6 Ashtanaga Namaskar or The salute with eight parts. 

Mantra:Om poosne  namah

* Gently Bring Your knees down to floor and exhale. 
* Make your hips back and slide forward such that chin and chest rest on the floor. 
* Raise buttocks slightly. 
* Notice that hands, feet, knees, chest, and chin touch the floor,that all eight parts in total touch floor. 

Step-7 Bhujangasana or Cobra pose

Mantra:Om Hiranyagarbhaya namah

* Now slide your body forward .
* Raise your chest up in cobra pose. 
* Your elbows must be bent and your shoulder must placed away from ears. 
* Turn your gaze upwards. 

Step-8 Paravatasana or The mountain pose

Mantra:Om Marichaya namah

* Repeat it as above describe  in step 5

Step-9 Ashwasanchalanasana or The Equestrian pose

Mantra:Om Adityaya namah 

* Repeat it as above describe in step 4

Step-10 Padhastasana or The Hand to Foot pose

Mantra:Om Savitre namah 

* Repeat it as above describe in step 3

Step-11 Hasta Uttanasana or The raised arm pose

Mantra:Om Arkaya namah 

* Repeat it as above describe in step 2

Step-12 Pranamasana or Prayer pose

Mantra :Om Bhaskaraya namah

* Repeat it as above describe in step 1

These all are steps of Sooryanamaskar.

• Avoid Sooryanamaskar in following condition. ... 

1. After 3rd month of pregnancy .
3.High Blood pressure
4.Back Problems
5.Girls in periods. 

Benefits of Sooryanamaskar

* Enhance oxygen levels in body
* Weight loss
* Tone abs and arms 
* Facilitate regular menstrual cycle 
* Improve quality of skin and hair
* Relax anxiety and calms the body
* Reduce depression 
* Soothes digestion 
*  Improve Kidney function 

Note that single round of sooryanamaskar burns 13.90 calories. 

There is nothing in earth without Sun. As Sun giving us life it's our duty to give salute and gratitude to Sun..... 
Do Soorynamaskar daily and make your life healthy.... 

Stay connected.... Stay healthy. .... 


  1. Perfectly, explained! Very helpful and need a lot of correction while do it... i waa doing many mistakes.


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