Lymphedema-Swelling which is not curable

Hello, Greetings to all... 

Here I am with more interesting topic which is to be taken in consideration... .

Yes, I know very complicated name but very interesting.

Lymphedema, also called lymphatic obstruction is long term condition where excess fluid collects in tissues causing swelling. 
Difficult, right lymphatic system!??? 

It's a part of immune system and vital for immune function i.e.,protect the body against disease. 
Fluid called lymph circulates with in the lymphatic system. 
Lymphedema is typically cause by blockage of this system. 

It commonly affects one the ararm or legs. Lymphedema is noncurable but, with right treatment, it can controlled. 

Disease has its causes....

* Genetic Mutation 
* Infection like Filariasis cause by parasite Wuchereria Bancrofti.
* Breast cancer treatment i.e, removal of lymph nodes cause lymphedema as discuss in my previous blog. click here


* Feeling of heaviness,tingling,tightness,warmth or shooting pains in affected limb. 
* Tightness of clothes and jewellery. 
* Redness of skin. 
* Asymmetrical appearance of the limbs. 
* Tightness and reduced flexibility in the joints. 
* Skin appears like peau'd'orange (orange peel) 
* At later stages it leads to malignant tumor of lymph vessels.

Diagnosis of the Lymphedema

Medical history and physical examination by doctor. CT scan, MRI of lymph nodes, Doppler of lymphatic vessels ,Ultrasound of lymph nodes. 


There is no cure of llymphedema.Symptomatic treatment is design to reduce swelling and control discomfort.

Physiotherapist is person who help and guide a patient with lymphedema

1. To decrease swelling there are elastic sleeves and stockings which fit properly and provide gradual compression from end part of limb towards trunk. Drainage of lymph fluid is mandatory. 

2.Bandages:- Make sure bandages are tied more tightly at end part of limb and  loose towards trunk. This will help in drainage from extrimeties  to center of body. 

3. Pneumatic compression device:-These are sleeves and stockings connected to pump that provides sequential compression from end towards body. 

4.Manual compression like massage technique i.e., Manual Lymphatic drainage. Therapist will drain all the fluids in vessels toward trunk which decrease swelling. 

5.Exerscise - Muscle pumping exercise also help to drain the fluids and maintain the joint range of motion. It stimulates the lymphatic drainage. 

Complications of Lymphedema

Lymphedema itself is complication of breast cancer treatment as discuss in my previous blog. Breast cancer

Celulltis - It's an inflammation of skin and connective tissuetissues. 

Deep vein thrombosis - Due collection of lymph fluid there can be blockage of vein by clog known as thrombus. 

Cosmetic issues. 

Prevention of further damage to part which is affected can be done as follows... 

Keep affected arm and leg elevated above level of heart, whenever possible. 

Avoid tight and constricting garments and jewellery. 

Don't apply heating pad to affected area or use hot baths or steam baths as skin sensation are hampered. 

Keep body adequately hydrated for better drainage of lymph fluid. 

Avoid heavy lifting and forceful activities with affected limb, but normal light activity is encourage.

Practice thorough and careful skin hygiene. 

Avoid insect bites and sun burns. 

The prognosis of lymphedema is poor but ,if treatment is taken under correct guidelines and with correct therapist  it is preventable i. e. , prevent further damage to part which is affected. 

Women's are mostly affected as its a complications of breast cancer. 

Spread the article as much as you can so lymphedema can be decreased to certain level. 

Stay connected     Stay healthy...... ..


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